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Season One
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New Lhasa

USS Darwin

Darwin TNG

Season One
117 "Words and Deeds, Part II"
(Minor Spoiler for DS9 S5 "A Call to Arms")
Stardate 50953.2
Munarch O'Reilley (on discovering that Grey is a changeling): I wouldn't have gotten rid of Scarlett if I'd known!

Stadi, in her unconscious state, replays previously suppressed memories of a conversation with the Bajoran Wormhole aliens (her old ship - the Darwin - was previously assigned to the gamma quadrant). They - apparently - compared her to the "not linear" Sisko, and suppressed her memory of the conversation in case she did something "very non linear". Hillback brings Stadi around before the neural activity reaches dangerous levels. Stadi discovers that some of her telepathic ability - lost in an illness some years before during an away mission from the Cairo - is returning.
Ambassador Kalret Grey is assigned to lead the diplomatic counter-offensive, and arrives at New Lhasa in the Darwin. O'Reilley and M'Kress are joined by Ambassador K'Vuse of the Klingon Empire (Hearts and Minds), Ambassador Kartal (temporarily detached duty from the Darwin) of the Cardassian governent in exile, Lt. Cmdr. Scarlett (Onida) guarding Grey. Stadi refutes Hillback's claim that she is too ill, and accepts Grey's invitation to join the deputation. Munarch - who read the reports on events in Onida - questions Scarlett's prescence on the mission, and Scarlett is removed after high-level discussion in Starfleet and consultation with the few Starfleet Captains that know both Scarlett and the Tholians. (Captain Sisko).
A Tholian starship detaches from the Tholian consulate to take both deputations to meet the Ambassador in Tholian space. When the Dominion representative - Weyoun - turns out to know Grey by reputation, O'Reilley and M'Kress discover he is a changeling and the Darwin crew try to explain his ostensible loyalty to the Federation.
During the mission, members of the Tholian client race Varex aboard the shuttle launch a revolt, and appeal to the Federation deputation for aid. Grey (who shifted into, and was fired up as, a Chakuun) offered to mediate and present the Varex's case to Ambassador Tzadoc (Freedom Day). K'Vuse joined the revolt (and ended up evacuating himself and a few other survivors into Federation space). After turning down the UFP pleas on behalf of the Varex, "Tzadoc" revealed that the Varex had been allowed to continue with their revolt so far only to find out how the delegations would react. (This "Tzadoc" turned out to be a puppet). When the ship reached its destination, the real Ambassador signed the treaty with the Dominion, but the team successfully pleaded for the lives and freedom of the captured Varex.
This episode included guest appearances by Scarlett, Grey, and Kartal - the only three Darwin TNG characters to be on the USS Darwin at the beginning and end of its run. (Although Matt played someone else for a while). And yes, the Darwin had a changeling PC.

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© Ian McDonald 2001