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New Lhasa

USS Darwin

Darwin TNG

Season Three

314 And Your Enemies Closer

K’noff: I request a meeting.
Loras Veltr’a: Come now.

On the Sahir Petersen and the Klingons are celebrating the success of their rescue mission. A message is received and the first officer orders Petersen’ s arrest for the poisoning of Sivalyar Tor. Petersen denies killing her and is dragged to the brig.

Back on New Lhasa Thelor is listening to K’noff, the Klingon bard, sing in a bar. After he finishes, Thelor speaks with him. Thelor asks about K’noff’s connection with Veltr’a, saying that House K’ral does not want to make an enemy of Loras Veltr'a and considers their current enmity unfortunate. Thelor wants K'noff to convey a message of friendship to Veltr'a and hands K’noff a comm-chip.

K’noff sees Veltr’a and tells him about the meeting with Thelor. K’noff accused Kayon of goading K’ral into the attack and shows some holo-footage of Kayon, the open-minded Deltan security officer, talking casually about his past encounter with Kath’Lar. Veltr’a concedes that this could count as provocation and speaks with Kayon, asking him to refrain from discussing his relationships in public. Veltr’a orders Kayon to study other humanoid cultures in more detail.

On the Sahir Petersen is interrogated by the Klingon captain. Petersen denies killing Sivalyar and appears confused when shown the footage of him swapping Mariella's hypospray for another.

Some of his guards rudely awake him during the night shift and proceed to beat him up. He calls for help and tries to defend himself. He is overwhelmed and taken down, managing a whimper as the breath is beaten out of him. A senior officer arrives, drawn by Petersen’s cries for help and halts the beating, reprimanding Petersen’s attackers.

Kal Orioli arrives at the Spaceport on New Lhasa along with a number of Betazoid refugees. He is met by Lyranna and Mariella. They show him to his quarters while he talks about the conditions in the refugee convoy and the wait in the Garrett nebula. He mentions his telepathic call for help and his surprise that it was not Lyranna who received it. She explains that her emotions had been drained elsewhere but does not mention where they had gone. She mentions that Ashok has been declared dead and they fill him in on the situation with the Stevenson and Starfleet.

Back on the Sahir, Petersen senses the ship drop out of warp and he hears a transporter whine. Another Klingon marches in and introduces himself as Cuvat. He has a one-eyed Betazoid with him and announces that he was "here to find out the details about Sivalyar’s murder". Petersen tells his story but the Betazoid says that he is hiding something. Cuvat uses a truth serum on Petersen.

Petersen realises he is psionically aware of the Betazoid. Somehow, he succeeds in protecting the truth of Mariella's origin - but not the existence of the Tekindus shipyards.

Later that evening on New Lhasa Kal Orioli visits the Orion Coffee house to meet Lyranna. They talk about her prior attempts to cook.

After visiting K’ral, Kayon recommends that his sentence be reduced. Veltr’a visits K’ral and concedes that K’ral was provoked and he would not have gone in person to arrest K’ral is he had know that K’ral was aware on his relationship with Kath’Lar..

The Sahir arrives in the New Lhasan system and decloaks. Petersen sends a message to Veltr'a announcing that he has proof of Dr Torellan’s innocence. Loras takes Petersen into custody and receives a report of his Klingon interrogation. According to the Klingon report, Petersen had been mind-controlled by the Romulans into placing the hypospray. Veltr’a argues with the Klingon Captain about Petersen’s’ treatment on the Sahir. Petersen submits to a mind-meld by Shar in order to confirm that he was under the effects of mind-control ... and confesses to revealing the location of the secret Tekindus shipyards to the Klingons during his interrogation ... but the upper echelons of House Mauro were aware of it anyway. Shar confirms Petersen’s story.

Later Petersen scans himself, and discovers that the immunisation has failed ... and he has developed the New Lhasa syndrome. He goes to see Lyranna to discuss this with her, but staff at the Coffee House have been told he is unwanted, and he is turned away.

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© Ian McDonald 2004