Season One
Season Two Season Three TV Movies
Intr oduction
New Lhasa
Season Two
216 Musical Chairs
News from civillian security indicates that Rasa is still active.
The Captain calls a senior officers meeting, where he announces his intention
to divide the responsibilities usually given to a first officer. The Starfleet
presence at New Lhasa has not had a permanent first officer since the
death of Cmdr. Chenier over a year previously, and Stadi does not want
to keep the position indefinitely.
Lyranna Quayn will go back to being the formal acting first officer, and
be second in the chain of command. Apart from that, she will continue
to have no Starfleet position, and concentrate her efforts on the New
Lhasa Syndrome project she heads, as is her preference.
The Vulcan engineer, Shar, will do the crew reviews with Cllr. Tang. M'Kress
will liase the different deparments. Petersen is moved from acting first
officer to operations officer. Although Horah-Morash tries to avoid saying
it, this is a demotion and because of the suspicion still hanging over
Petersen's head.
Horah-Morash gives command of the Stephenson to Loras Veltr'a. M'Kress
objects, suggesting that Veltr'a does not have the necessary diplomatic
skills. An argument ensues.
Later, M'Kress sees the Captain to ask when her acting Chief Science Officer
position will be confirmed as permanent. Lyranna sees Veltr'a about what
she views as M'Kress' ad hominem attacks, and theorised it was because
Veltr'a had rejected his Vulcan upbringing. Horah-Morash writes
a letter to Veltr'a and M'Kress, saying that as long as they continue
to quarrel, neither of their positions will be confirmed. Veltr'a meets
M'Kress to discuss her reservations and they achieve a measure of cvility.
Petersen reacts with a walking holiday. Afterwards, Councillor Tang pays
him a visit.
Another episode without a challenge to Starfleet from outside, mortal
or otherwise. With fellow officers like this, who needs enemies?
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© Ian McDonald 2001